
  • I. Lastivka
  • K. Doroshenko
  • O. Nechyporuk
  • Y. Теreshchenko




compressor cascades, hysteresis, separated flows, circular inlet distortion, aerodynamic trail, aerodynamic performances


The effect of stalled flow hysteresis in the process of streamlining a cylindrical solid, isolated backswept wing of a model aircraft and a decelerating compressor cascade is analyzed in the given article. The structure and the performances of stalled flows depending on the speed of the flow, angles of attack and on the direction of their change are considered. Generalized results of research of hysteresis effect occurrence in aerodynamic performances of compressor cascades and its influence on compressor bladed disks performances that operate in real conditions of periodic circular inlet distortion induced by aerodynamic trail behind the blade cascade of the compressor inlet guide vane are demonstrated. It is stated that the periodical flow non-uniformity leads to an earlier separation of axial compressor flow: at the values of Strouhal number  flow separation occurs at the values of air expenses by 10–15% higher than in the stages that are streamlined by a uniform flow. For typical compressor cascades at values of Reynolds number  the range of significant effect from the periodical oscillating flow non-uniformity on the performances of cascades corresponds to the range of values  In the stages of axial compressors of gas-turbine engines with inlet guide vanes or with the engine front trail, the flow separation from the surface of blades takes place 3-5% earlier (according to the parameter of expense ) than in the stages without inlet guide vanes or without the engine front trail which is induced by the flow non-uniformity at the inlet of compressor.


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Air transport operations