cryptanalysis, ACO, optimization, heuristics, metaheuristics, fitness functionAbstract
Requirements for information security dictate the necessity of developing new methods of cryptanalysis. Modern cryptanalysis depend on mathematics, in particular on theory and optimization methods. Taking into account the generally recognized requirements for attack resistance of ciphers, the decryption problem should be considered as a combinatorial optimization problem
The paper proves the necessary of the development of new methods of cryptanalysis using metaheuristics, contains a retrospective review of publications in the last period in this area. The number of publications indicates the relevance of the research direction.
Specialities of the application of the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to cryptanalysis problems, in particular, factorization problem, are considered. The structure and general principles of the ACO algorithm are described, as well as the adaptation of this algorithm to the solution of a specific problem of combinatorial optimization. Various variants of the fitness function, features of their application, methods of narrowing the search space, rules for choosing the direction of movement on the graph, modification of local search are discussed. The addition of genetic operators of crossover, mutation, and selection is considered as one of the modification options. The conditions for stopping the operation of the algorithm are described.
The various facts of using metaheuristics for solving combinatorial optimization problems arising in numerous subject areas, in particular, in cryptanalysis, are described. It is emphasized that since theoretical studies of combinatorial optimization algorithms rarely allow obtaining results that can be applied in practice. The main tool for analyzing their effectiveness is a computational experiment.
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