hydrogen, natural gas, gas transport system, gas pumping unitAbstract
The possibilities of implementing the requirements of the EU hydrogen strategy (EU Hydrogen Strategy), which provides for the wide use of hydrogen as an energy carrier for those industries that cannot be electrified, and aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by industrial facilities to zero, are considered. An important element of the strategy is the development of hydrogen energy projects in preparation for the H2Ready program, i.e., the implementation of a comprehensive approach to the possibility of transporting mixtures of natural gas with hydrogen up to 20% in gas transportation and gas pipeline networks. Calculations of the operation modes of the compressor station's HPA for different hydrogen concentrations of the gas-hydrogen mixture were carried out using two independent methods, which made it possible to assess the reliability of the obtained results and draw appropriate conclusions about the possibility of using the available equipment of the compressor station for the transport of the gas-hydrogen mixture through the main gas pipeline. It has been proven that an increase in the concentration of hydrogen in a gas-hydrogen mixture leads to a decrease in its energy value, but due to a decrease in the density of the mixture relative to air, the Wobbe number practically does not change, so the gas-hydrogen mixture can be a substitute for natural gas.
It is shown that an increase in the concentration of hydrogen in the gas-hydrogen mixture during its transportation through the main pipeline leads to an increase in the rotation frequency of the supercharger rotor, which leads to the need to increase the power of the HPA drive of the compressor station. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the reconstruction of the compressor station, namely, the replacement of the drive with greater power or the design change of the flow part of the supercharger. It was concluded that the use of the existing infrastructure of Ukraine's GTS for the transportation of a gas-hydrogen mixture is possible with hydrogen concentrations up to 4%.
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