
  • Oleksandr Lavrynenko National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Denys Bakhtiiarov National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Oleksiy Golubnychy National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Olena Zharova National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine




steganography, text information, wavelet-transform, audiosignal, wavelet coefficients


The developed method of recursive low-frequency integration of text information into a steganographic audio container based on Daubechies wavelet filters acquires a deep meaning in the conditions of an attacker’s use of deliberate unauthorized manipulations with a steganocoded audio signal with the aim of distorting the text information embedded in it, i.e. making its semantic structures unintelligible. The main of such manipulations is the application of various audio signal compression algorithms, but not with the aim of removing its uninformative components, which, according to the human psychophysiological model of sound perception, are beyond the threshold of hearing, and with the aim of removing the text information hidden in the audio signal by deliberately introducing distortions. The difference between the developed method and the existing ones is that in the existing methods of steganographic information hiding based on the wavelet transform, text information is usually integrated into high-frequency wavelet coefficients without scalar product with wavelet filters, and in the developed method, it is proposed to use recursive embedding in low-frequency wavelet coefficients with subsequent scalar product with orthogonal wavelet Daubechies filters of low and high frequencies, which allows to increase the absolute spectral power of the hidden text information. Further studies showed that the developed method significantly increases the resistance of the steganosystem to intentional or passive interventions for the purpose of recoding with a lower information transfer rate, but at the same time, one hundred percent integrity of the text information is ensured at the stage of its extraction from the audio signal, with sufficiently high sound quality indicators.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Lavrynenko, National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Telecommunications and Radio-Electronic Systems of the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications of NAU

Denys Bakhtiiarov, National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine

Сandidate of technical sciences, deputy dean of the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications of NAU

Oleksiy Golubnychy, National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Telecommunications and Radio-Electronic Systems of the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications of NAU

Olena Zharova, National aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Telecommunications and Radio-Electronic Systems of the Faculty of Aeronautics, Electronics and Telecommunications of NAU


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Electronics, telecommunications and radio engineering