
  • Redrich Putiatin National Technical University of Ukraine, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Tamara Dunaieva National Technical University of Ukraine, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



potentiometer, non-linear taper, helix, transducer, actuator


Recently a new approach to constructing potentiometers with non-linear taper was proposed. Its main idea is to reach a non-linear dependence of output voltage on rotation angle using a helical resistive element with variable radius of the helix and cross-section. As it has been shown before, problem of calculation of such potentiometer has a solution for all continually differentiable tapers, but the usefulness of this construction is still unknown. In the current paper we review historical and modern types of potentiometers, including non-linear ones; materials for manufacturing such pots; possible tapers for this type of construction; potential applications. In section 1 potentiometer constructions and materials are analyzed. Most suitable constructions for implementation of variable-radius-helix approach are chosen. A generic way for manufacturing mandrel and resistive element using modern machining tools with computer numeric control. In section 2 tapers for potentiometers with several predefined mandrel shapes are calculated. A comparison between appropriate taper bounds for VRH potentiometer and a conventional multi-turn with variable wirewound pitch is carried out. In section 3 different fields of potentiometer applications are reviewed, including usage of potentiometer in new works on robotics. VHR potentiometer is proposed for use in a manual control system for vehicle cab heating controllinstead of a potentiometer with piecewise-linear taper. In section 4 conclusions are made on perspectives of this type of potentiometer, its pros and cons. Main tasks for further research are outlined. 

Author Biographies

Redrich Putiatin , National Technical University of Ukraine, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Engineer of the department of technical and software automation tools

Tamara Dunaieva, National Technical University of Ukraine, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Associate Professor of the Department of Technical and Software Automation


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Electronics, telecommunications and radio engineering