video service, informative of video segments, encoding of video segments, spectral space, uneven diagonals transformers, structural redundancyAbstract
The article provides justification for the need to eliminate the imbalance between the growing information load on infocommunications and their bandwidth. It is shown that there is a destructive influence on the functioning of critical infrastructure systems and a complex of key areas of society for life. It is argued that during the functioning of infocommunication systems, the solution of issues of information overload of the network is achieved through the use of an integrated approach. It is shown that one of the key here is the use of management technologies and the coordination of the intensity of information traffic. Based on the research, it is sealed that in the case of a critical level of video information flow, the existing regulatory mechanisms do not ensure the redistribution of traffic according to the quality system of network functioning. Therefore, it is necessary to create new technologies for processing and transmitting video data. The direction of improving video traffic management technologies at the level of information presentation has been approved. The need to create a new method of compression coding of the video stream has been proven. A comprehensive analysis of the latest research is given. On the basis of which it is shown that the most effective results are achieved for coding methods, taking into account the patterns of video segments in spectral space. The presence of inherent shortcomings is justified. They relate to the dependence of their effectiveness on the level of loss of reliability of information. To localize these shortcomings, the article introduces the creation of a process for reducing redundancy to organize based on the identification of new patterns in the structure of transformed video segments. One of these directions is an approach based on the coding of unevenly diagonal sequences of transformants. This takes into account structural dependencies. Accordingly, cases of additional loss of the level of reliability of video information are excluded. A model for assessing the informativeness of the transformant as a combinatorial object is being created, taking into account its structural and topological features and features of the psychovisual perception of the reconstructed video segments.
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