dynamic flow of video segments, many basic non-equilibrium positional number, maintenance of the base system, coding based on elimination of inter-segment structural redundancyAbstract
The article provides a rationale for: creating a set of technological solutions to achieve the necessary properties of information in the presence of a set of external and internal destabilizing factors and vulnerabilities; further improvement and development of technologies for processing dynamic video information content. In this direction, the basic technological solution concerns the differential processing of a localized sequence of video frames, depending on the establishment of their influence on the quality of video information content and the efficiency of its proof. At the same time, it is shown that the video stream in the conditions of modern video services and the requirements of profile users is characterized by: a mixed typical structure with an increased rate of change in areas of heterogeneity; a significant increase in the level of bit intensity. Therefore, it is argued that existing standardized technologies do not provide requirements for the quality of video information content provision.There are imbalances :between the reliability of the information and the level of its detail on the one hand and the need for further distortions on the other hand; between eliminating redundancy to reduce bit volume and resistance to interference in the process of transmitting code structures through communication channels. Therefore, there is a need to relatively increase the bit rate of dynamic video information flow in the process of its delivery using infocommunication technologies on mobile platforms. The direction of the solution is to create the concept of comprehensive elimination of various types of redundancy in between the frame space (redundancy in time) and inside the frame (spatial redundancy). To do this, it is proposed to take into account the nature of the structural and semantic content of sufficiently informative segments. Consequently, many basic non[1]equilibrium positional coding is built using the technology of supporting the bases in the process of encoding the transform sequence. The essence of this technology is to represent the elements of the subsequent array, the processed segment of the video image, in the form of a multi-basic unequal weight positional number, which corresponds to the differential basis of the bases. Taking into account this, the bases for the corresponding elements of the segment are completely replaced by the bases of the previous array. A code[1]forming system has been developed to create an effective syntactic representation of video image segments, taking into account their informativeness based on the use of many basic unevenly weighted positional code structures. The basic differences are that: an effective syntactic representation of image segments is carried out taking into account their informativeness; simultaneous use of synthesized spatial components and systems of many basic unequal weight positional structures that adapt depending on the number of structural and statistical informativeness of the segments. Keywords: dynamic flow of video segments, many basic non-equilibrium positional number, maintenance of the base system, coding based on elimination of inter-segment structural redundancy.
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