local networks, quantitative optimization, information structuresAbstract
The process of implementing information technology in all spheres of modern society, entering the modern period of its development, is not possible without addressing the optimization of information structures of networks in various fields: political, military, economic, social and financial. Large-scale use of computer technology and communication (information) networks, the transition to increasing the amount of processing information and expanding the range of users lead to qualitatively new opportunities. When developing traffic information transmissions in fences, it is necessary to induce structures of information flows, which are based on rational factors: some, topological, like clockwork The main criterion is the maximization of the sum of the number of effects in the interconnection of local hemlines to the costs of these interconnections. When developing information transmission traffic in networks, it is necessary to take into account the construction of information flow structures, which are determined by rational factors: quantitative, topological, qualitative and time. The main criterion is the maximization of the sum of the ratios of the effects of the interaction of local networks to the costs of their interaction. Since difficulties arise, it is proposed to present the main criterion in the form of a hierarchy of local criteria, and to decompose the development task into a number of local tasks. The basis of decomposition is the dependence between local optimization criteria and factors that are hidden. The obtained results allow quantitative optimization of information structures of local networks. For its implementation, the problem of maximizing the sum of the ratios of the effects of the interaction of local networks to the costs of their interaction was solved and the procedure for its calculation was developed.
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