
  • Rimvidas Khrashchevskiy National Aviation University
  • Olga Ivanets National Aviation University
  • Olena Jarova National Aviation University




functional state, body subsystems, the criterion of danger, deviation from the norm, quantitative evaluation


The paper proposes an approach to the use of many parametric criteria in the model of decision-making on the functional state of complex objects in which the essence of uncertainty is that in the presence of an unlimited number of states it is impossible to estimate the probability of each of these states. In practice, such objects are characterized by several indicators, which can sometimes be correlated, which creates difficulties in deciding on their condition. The process of developing a decision-making model allows determining the dependence of the functional state of the studied system on the influence of external factors, which can be done due to fluctuations in the measured values ​​of its indicators. However, making a decision based on an independent assessment of the value of each individual parameter may give the wrong result, as there is an interrelated effect. Thus, by using many parametric criteria in decision making, you can improve the decision-making system. While on the basis of a comparative assessment of each parameter with a normalized value, a decision was made on the stability of the system, which studied the use of many parametric criteria revealed violations in the functioning of this system. That is, the use of many parametric criteria gives a more accurate result, in the presence of correlation of individual indicators when deciding on the stability of the system. In addition, the use of the multi-parameter Hotelling criterion also allows determining which parameter caused the malfunction of the system, which can be used for corrective action. has been demonstrated in these studies. The use of many parametric criteria to determine the functional state of complex objects allows not only to draw conclusions about the violation of their work, but also give the researcher the opportunity to determine which of the indicators had a significant impact on the branching of the whole system. The use of the Hotelling criterion is a more sensitive tool for determining the ramifications of the functioning of systems than the generally accepted method of research on standardized indicators, which was demonstrated in these studies.


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Ecology, chemical technology, biotechnology, bioengineering