
  • Mariia Bahrii National Aviation University
  • Elena Konovalova National Aviation University
  • Natalia Chaika National Aviation University
  • Kateryna Razumova National Aviation University



infrastructure, system, air transport, waterway transport, railroad transport, passenger traffic, cargo traffic, transit routes, ground transport


The article presents the analysis of state-of-the-art problems of transport infrastructure of Ukraine as part of the world transport system. Using statistical data presented on the web-site of the State Statistics Service f Ukraine and data provided by airport operators passenger and cargo traffic were studied taking into account limitations due to quarantine requirements during 2020 and January-May 2021. The analysis of statistical data shows that traffic grows: passenger traffic grows up to 8,2% and cargo traffic – up to 1,5% by mode of transport.

Priority infrastructure projects for realization of the «National transport strategy 2030» (hereinafter – the «Strategy-2030») were reviewed. Analysis of the principals of the «Strategy» shows that transport infrastructure of Ukraine has low level of implementation of transport-logistic technologies and objects of multimodal transport, which reduces its competitiveness and enables them to rejoin the global transport markets. The analysis of the «Strategy-2030» showed principal directions of transport infrastructure of Ukraine. Implementation of latest advanced technologies and techniques, which provide operation and information support for passenger and cargo traffic, is substantiated. As a focus target the need for creation an integrated informational network and interaction of all transport modes of Ukraine is stated. It should be noted that realization of the «Strategy-2030» aims at improving of safety, security, quality and accessibility of transport

Author Biographies

Mariia Bahrii, National Aviation University

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate professor Of Department Of Organizing the Aviation Works and Services

Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Scope of scientific interests: Transport systems infrastructure, onboard support of aircraft

Elena Konovalova, National Aviation University

Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate professor,

Associate professor Of Department Of Organizing the Aviation Works and Services

Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Scope of scientific interests: air transport sustainable development; aviation environmental issues; transport infrastructure, multimodal transport, green transport

Natalia Chaika , National Aviation University

Candidate of Historical Science, Associate professor

Associate professor Of Department Of Organizing the Aviation Works and Services

Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Scope of scientific interests: transport infrastructure, multimodal transport, history of transport processes, history of technology

Kateryna Razumova, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economics, Professor,

Head of the Department of Organisation of Aviation Works and Services,

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Scope of scientific interests: System analysis in transport; analysis of the activities of transport enterprises


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Transport, transport technology