
  • Andrii Zirka Central Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Mariia Zirka Central Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Natalia Kadet National Aviation University




decision support system, unmanned aerial vehicle, system control, motion simulation, flight mode, linguistic model


One of the perspective directions of the development to modern aviation is connected with designing and producing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) of various functionalities for applying in military and civilian spheres. The syntheses of UAV control systems, regardless of their type and purpose presumes the creation of adequate mathematical models, first of all adequate aerodynamic mathematical models. In the paper results that forms and justify the aerodynamic mathematical model and as well as the results of building a general mathematical model of the longitudinal movement of the perspective UAV are presented.

In the article on the basis of the analysis of the reasons of involvement in performance of research and development works the basic risks of the indirect factors and possible negative scenarios of performance of projects of creation of samples of aviation equipment are defined.

Based on the results of the analysis of risk-forming factors, the risk indicators of the projects of creation (modernization) of aircraft models are substantiated.

A methodical approach to the criterion assessment of risk indicators at the stages of research and development work on the development (modernization) of aircraft is proposed

Author Biographies

Andrii Zirka , Central Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine


Central Research Institute of

Armament and Military Equipment of Armed

Forces of Ukraine

Mariia Zirka , Central Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine


Central Research Institute of

Armament and Military Equipment of Armed

Forces of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Natalia Kadet, National Aviation University

National Aviation Univercity


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Information technology, cybersecurity