
  • Oleksandr Ponomarenko NAU College of engineering and management
  • Andrey Moshenskyi National University of food technologies
  • Alina Savchenko National Aviation University
  • Vladimir Drovovozov National Aviation University
  • Elena Tolstikova National Aviation University
  • Ivan Shvets National Aviation University



information capacity, critical application network, wireless network, real-time system, utility theory


The problem of increasing the resilience of critical infrastructure in a dynamic evolution of risks is based on policies and management models to increase investment guarantees. Managing the resilience of a critical information infrastructure is impossible without selecting and justifying quantitative information characteristics. The article considers the information flows of signal traffic circulating in wireless networks of critical application. The most important terms and definitions for networks of critical application as real time (soft and hard) systems and statistical components of information capacity are given. Based on the general theory of utility, the information capacity of signal traffic is presented in the form of some utility functional – a complex characteristic of a random process. The arguments of the functional are the key information-entropy functions of the process, which are subject to constraints in the form of inequalities. It is shown that the argument functions of the functional under consideration can be represented as an abstract set of partial components connected statistically or functionally. Methods of multicriteria optimization of utility functional are investigated and conditions for obtaining asymptotically optimal solutions are formulated. The use of utility functionalities makes it possible to introduce explicit quantitative estimates of information value and obtain expressions in a closed form to maximize utility functions. In the future, it is planned to develop methods for the synthesis of multistructural systems of critical application, capable of working in a rigid real-time mode with the planning and allocation of current resources

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Ponomarenko, NAU College of engineering and management

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

NAU College of engineering and management

Andrey Moshenskyi, National University of food technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Національний університет харчових технологій

Alina Savchenko, National Aviation University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

National Aviation University

Vladimir Drovovozov, National Aviation University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

National Aviation University


Elena Tolstikova, National Aviation University

National Aviation University

National Aviation University

Ivan Shvets, National Aviation University

National Aviation University


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Information technology, cybersecurity