Implementation planning at the stages of design and operation of functional automated aviation systems on the base of economic criterion
functional automated system, avionics, operation, life cycle, system model, maintenance and repairAbstract
Planning the implementation of functional automated avionics systems of modern aircraft at the design stage and their subsequent operation involves the use of a structured system approach, which will fully take into account both the technical and economic component of the efficiency of this process. The sufficient purpose of such implementation should be to obtain an effective result during the operation of serial aircraft of a certain type, ensuring sufficient quality of operation and compliance with international regulatory and technical documentation of aviation certification and safety bodies, regulating its activities, covering both state and interstate communications and operating conditions of aircraft (with mandatory consideration of operational features throughout the replacement bullet). Such certification and aviation safety bodies are the world-famous ICAO, FAA, IAC, IATA, EASA, ECAC, AFCAC, LACAC, EUROCONTROL, COCESNA, ACI, IAQG, which cover both the regional and interstate levels with the obligatory participation of authorized bodies territories of which are legally located aircraft operators (both airlines and airfield infrastructure). The process of ensuring economic efficiency and sufficient quality of operation of automated avionics systems should take into account the entire life path of a modern aircraft in stages, namely "design", "certification", "serial production" and "operation". When considering the issues covered by this study, special attention is paid to the stages of design and operation. Targeted planning of operation of experimental functional automated avionics systems of modern aircraft will not be fully effective and depends on the strategy of quality maintenance and repair. The economic criterion for the feasibility of such planning for the implementation of functional automated avionics systems are indicators that take into account the "costs" and "benefits" of such implementation and the cost-effectiveness of such systemsReferences
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