Potential and prospects of domestic production of biofuels based on biomass of microalgae


  • Олена Львівна Матвєєва National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Антоніна Дмитрівна Кустовська National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Анастасія Юріївна Шипілова National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine




biofuel, biodiesel, microalgae, green energy, biomass transesterification, third generation fuel


The article considers and proposes methods of processing microalgae biomass to obtain a fuel product. The approach is based on the analysis of the main problems of production introduction in Ukraine, which were considered in detail with the help of SWOT-analysis. It allows you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction of new production. After assessing the threats and benefits for Ukraine, certain features were identified that need to be taken into account for the territorial location of the country. The main features, requirements and conditions of algae biomass cultivation and its processing are considered. It is emphasized that for the Ukrainian climate, the cultivation of microalgae in open systems is unprofitable due to the need to maintain appropriate temperatures. Instead, cultivation in closed systems will allow the use of pulp waste as a nutrient medium. Among the methods of collecting microalgae biomass, flocculation and flotation were identified as the most efficient for large-scale production. Filtration, separation and settling can be considered as collection methods for small-scale or laboratory experiments. Among the processing methods, we distinguish three areas - thermochemical and biochemical transformation of biomass, as well as chemical transformations. For Ukrainian production, we advise you to focus on re-esterification processes as the world's most popular method of biomass processing. The known directions of transformation with examples of capacities of domestic enterprises are considered in detail in the work. We single out anaerobic fermentation, gasification, pyrolysis and transesterification as the most successful processing methods for Ukraine. Based on the research results, the results are systematized and substantiated the requirements for the transesterification process with the largest conversion of raw materials. Further research is aimed at practical research of biofuel production by laboratory methods and analysis of its operational properties

Author Biographies

Олена Львівна Матвєєва, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Антоніна Дмитрівна Кустовська, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

candidate of Chemical Sciences Associate Professor, Head of the Department of chemistry and Chemical Technology

Анастасія Юріївна Шипілова, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

5th year student, Department of chemistry and Chemical Technology


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Ecology, chemical technology, biotechnology, bioengineering