Evolution of empirical software engineering
program, empiricism, technology, system, evolution, efficiencyAbstract
Every year, global IT companies present new modern software, but what is the evidence of its development. Empirical software engineering deals with the problem of determining the efficiency and calculation of quantitative indicators of software product development. In order to qualitatively determine the effectiveness, you need to follow the evolution of software. Software evolution refers to the dynamic behavior of software systems as they are maintained and improved throughout the life cycle. From this task arises the main question of this work to investigate and analyze information about the stages of evolution of empirical software engineering. This article presents the evolution of philosophical and methodological considerations on empiricism and presents information in a clear and systematic way. The works of foreign and domestic scientists were considered, their activity was analyzed and what conclusions they made. In the works of domestic scientists mostly considered modern systems and methods that determine the complexity of the system, structure and from this conclusion were drawn about the competitiveness and wear of the program. In the works of domestic authors, the description of classical systems and their development in accordance with the use of empirical methods were studied. In this study, we trace the most important current events in the history of the impact on empirical engineering. Based on the collected information, a table was created, which presents in chronological order the scientists who have made their contribution to the development of empirical engineering. As a result of the study, it was determined that the empirical methods used in accordance with the scope of application have a single purpose to determine: to identify depreciation, competitiveness, economic fairness and relevance of the system.
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