Ring antenna array for radiomonitoring systems
radiomonitoring, ring antenna array, radiation pattern, electric field intensity, right-handed circular polarization, left-handed circular polarizationAbstract
The article deals with principles of building an antenna array with ring elements for radiomonitoring and radiocontrol stations. Compared to turnstile antennas with passive vibrators, ring emitters have several significant advantages: smaller geometric dimensions, the possibility of using a circular orthogonal polarization basis, wider operating frequency band, simplified methods for calculating radiation field parameters. Ring antenna system for radiomonitoring is created and its functionality is described. In addition, an effective mathematical apparatus is created for processing information signals, which are received at the outputs of the antenna system. The combination of signal processing devices with antenna low-element arrays makes it possible to create multifunctional monitoring systems with relatively small dimensions of apertures. Ring antenna array with a dimension of 2x2 provide the direction finding function of the radiation source, suppressing interference, which has a radiation field at the same wavelength as the field of the signal that is being monitored. Also, the ring antenna array provides a measurement of the main radiation field parameters and the polarization parameters. Analytical expressions, which allow the use of electric field measurements in a circular polarizing orthogonal basis, are obtained. These expressions make it possible to calculate the components of circularly polarized waves, and vice versa — to measure the intensity of linearly polarized waves in a circular polarization basis. For ring antennas, an analytical formula of the effective length is derived, which ensures the determination of the electromotive force at the antenna terminals by known values of the wave intensities with right-handed and left-handed circular polarization.
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