Gas turbine engine, Thermodynamic calculation of the engine, Heat regeneration, Mobile power station, EfficiencyAbstract
Conversion of aircraft engines that have exhausted their assigned flight service life time is an actual problem for both Ukraine and other countries with a developed aviation transport infrastructure. At the same time, for converted aircraft engines, the demand for a significant increase in fuel efficiency as compared to that which these engines have when they are used on aircraft, where the minimum engine weight requirement is put in the first place, is put forward.
The aim of this work is to study the possibility of increasing the fuel efficiency of a converted aviation gas turbine engine when it is used as a drive for mobile electrical power plants.
The turboshaft engine of the PT-6 family of the Canadian company Pratt &Whitney, which is distinguished by its compact design and widely used in many countries of the world, was chosen as the object of study.
To achieve this aim, in the present work, thermodynamic and gas-dynamic calculations were first ly performed for the basic model of an aircraft engine, and then the same calculations were performed for the converted gas turbine engine with different degrees of heat regeneration, after which the thermal efficiency was compared in a simple cycle and in improved cycle. Finally, the analysis of the effect of heat regeneration on the efficiency of the engine was carried out for several different values of the initial temperature in the cycle and various engine operating conditions differing in the degrees of air pressure increase in the cycle. These calculations confirmed the feasibility of using heat regeneration from gases flowing out from the engine to increase the thermal efficiency of cycle. In addition, the calculated assessment of the effect of air temperature at the engine inlet on the efficiency of heat regeneration, as one of the possible ways to increase the thermal efficiency of the engine.
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