
  • Тетяна Володимирівна Холявкіна National Aviation University
  • Олександр Петрович Шевченко National Aviation University
  • М. C. Сподобаєв National Aviation University



data center, reliability level, physical media, security


The analysis of the last publications rotined that the problems of informative safety of enterprises were constantly aggravated the processes of penetration in all spheres of society of hardware’s of treatment and communication of data and, foremost, computer systems. To actuality of problem its vast analysis testifies in numerous literary sources. Therefore, by a purpose robots there is development of conception of increase of reliability and optimization of wire connections of the system of Data Centre.

Creating of an Adaptive Engineering Infrastructure Data Centre is a very complex process. Changes of modern economical situation, extremely short cycles of IT-environment changed attitude to way of chasing of business value that using Network Critical Physical Infrastructure as well. For protecting and deployment of integrated system working in positive way it's important to review not only single components but whole structure. Among old Network Critical Physical Infrastructure systems - counting their unique project decision and inflexible constriction it's impossible to find a system that can optimize all three vectors of production, there was no ways to get high quality system (accessibility), in acceptable terms (speed of reaction), acceptable price.

In work was reviewed all levels of reliability of Data Centre. Considering necessary level of trustiness and accessibility of information system, accomplishing a choice of necessary infrastructure subsystems and technological decisions.

The new equation of business value definition using Network Critical Physical Infrastructure is offered.

During projecting and deployment of infrastructure, economical potency of system life support projecting of Data System creation could be noticeably increased, due to conception of wire connections of Data System reliability that proposed.

Author Biographies

Тетяна Володимирівна Холявкіна, National Aviation University

candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor

Олександр Петрович Шевченко, National Aviation University

senior lecturer


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Information technology, cybersecurity