phytotechnology, water quality, purification of reverse water in natural conditions, bioplate, economic feasibilityAbstract
It has been established that the treatment facilities of most industrial enterprises of Ukraine do not sufficiently clean waste water to the standards that meet the maximum permissible concentrations. It is shown that the main reason for exceeding the concentration of pollutants in waste water is the old cleaning equipment and outdated purification methods. A new, modern biological method is proposed that solves the problem of re-treatment of reverse water in natural conditions. An estimation of efficiency of work of treatment facilities, based on use of natural processes of self-improvement - phytotechnologies. Scientifically substantiated and proved that it is more appropriate to use among bioengineering constructions, whose principle is based on the use of phytotechnologies, is a hydrophilic structure of the type of biplane. The main advantages and disadvantages of this method are described. A comparison of this purification method with methods based on the methods of purification in artificial conditions, for example, in aerotanks. It is proved that the proposed method is more effective in use than those using non-natural methods of purification. The advantages of using higher aquatic plants in the treatment of wastewater from different enterprises are presented. It is shown that macrophyte groupings play an important role in the purification of sewage. The ability of higher aquatic plants to intensify the process of restoring water quality is indisputable. The detailed scheme of the plant, its components and components as well as the full description of the technological process that cleans wastewater from pollutants is given. The method of calculation and results of calculation of economic expediency of introduction of this phytotechnology on a concrete object is presented. The presented research results are analyzed in the conclusionsReferences
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