Method of constructing a semantic dictionary consisting of a perfectly stable cryptosystem of text information protection


  • Р. С. Одарченко
  • Є. О. Самойлик
  • А. О. Абакумова



cryptosystem, protection, thesaurus, semantic dictionary, text information.


The article describes the formal structure of semantic images thesaurus for any language in general or for any subject separately. It is shown that in many applied spheres it is advisable to assign the following hierarchy of semantic units that reflect logically completed thoughts of a certain level of abstraction, where the degree of abstraction is reduced from left to right: script/situation/phrase word. At the same time, it was noted that for the construction of any perfectly stable lexicographic crypto-semantic protection system of text information it is necessary to have formal definitions of such semantic relations between semantic units as semantic identity, semantic difference, questionable semantic identity (or plausibility), questionable semantic difference (or false similarity). Accordingly, a methodological approach is proposed to protect the meaning of text messages, which is based on the use of semantic plausibility relations. In conclusion, the formal representation of textual information semantics is presented, which allows automating the process of creating semantic dictionaries.


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Information Security