Method of evaluation of intensity of the primary information flows, generated by computer network network components


  • І. А. Жуков
  • М. К. Печурін
  • Л. П. Кондратова
  • О. О. Печуріна



evaluation of the state, development of the internet, internet of things, information load.


The article is devoted to the problem of estimate the value of the primary information flows generated by abonents of the relatively new object of information technology, the so-called computer network of things to predict its development. To this end, a model is proposed on based of V.V. Leontiev model of inter-industry balance. There  are estimated the proportions in the distribution of primary information flows, which are generated by the software-hardware (terminal) devices created cyber-physics system. In order to formulate the model parameters, a public macroeconomic indicator is used, only indirectly represented the intensity of information flows that they derive from potential abonents of created computer network of things.


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Information and Communication Systems and Networks