Technologies of multilevel selective processing of aerial photographs for perspective flying sensor networks


  • В. В. Бараннік
  • Д. С. Гаврилов
  • В. С. Фустій
  • В. В. Бараннік



fly sensor network, critical infrastructure objects, selective processing, efficiency, confidentiality, meaningful components.


The article deals with issues related to the increase in the volume of transmitted data, as a result of the development unmanned aerial vehicle technologies, and increasing their use in commercial and departmental areas. A method of multilevel selective data processing is proposed that will allow to maintain the efficiency transmission data in conditions of increasing the intensity of the data flow with a given confidentiality level. The research of the effectiveness used the developed multilevel selective data processing method in comparison with the known selective methods for the efficiency criterion for frames of different saturation is carried out.


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Information and Communication Systems and Networks