Magneto-optical method of multiplying the frequency of low frequency signal range


  • О.П. Слободян



method, magneto-optical converter, signal, frequency multiplication, structural scheme, algorithm


The article presents a new way of multiplying the signal frequency, which fundamentally differs from the existing ones, since it has different complex hardware function for converting the input signal, and a magneto-optical crystal - yttrium ferrite garnet (Y3Fe5O12) as a nonlinear element for multiplying the signal frequency. The application feature of such frequency multipliers will allow to use them, first of all, for signal spectrum transformation in the low frequency range. An optoelectronic scheme of the frequency multiplication device has been developed and presented, as well as an experimental nonlinear characteristic of the output signal. On the basis of the conducted researches and structural characteristics there was developed a structural scheme of the frequency multiplier of successive approximation and was given algorithm of its operation. There was also determined the basic directions for further investigation of the magneto-optical converter and expansion of its functional possibilities in radio engineering devices and systems.


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