Special software of management of technological processes at the airport
transportation system, efficiency, information field, management processAbstract
From the point of view of the system analysis, it is proposed to assess the effectiveness of the transport system by a set of indicators – transport potential, social time costs, total costs. This approach makes it possible to make more efficient use of the resources of each transport system separately and of their different combinations. In particular, to optimize internal-transport and non-transport results of their activities, which must be obtained in order to achieve the objectives set before the system. A generic algorithm for the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the transport system underpins the methodological approach to the construction of a balanced comprehensive assessment of the status of the transport system. When implementing the proposed algorithm, it is possible, using minimal computational resources, to diagnose the accumulation of problems that arise during the implementation, at a given time interval, a group of technological, technical and organizational measures.
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