Special software of management of technological processes at the airport


  • О. А. Тамаргазін
  • І. І. Ліннік




airport, production technology, information field, process control


Considered the concept of special software of management of technological processes at the airport in terms of usage when analyzing the functioning of a modern airport, as a complex organizational-technical systems. The article shows that the accumulation, development and use of formal rules of information processing, which is a reflection of the objective laws of control of objects and processes is only possible in the framework of the special mathematical software of control. Analyzed the interaction of the various components of the special mathematical software of control of technological processes at the airport and information flows the cyclical nature of the work of the various divisions of the airport and the need to perform a series of tasks to achieve the goals in parallel. Special software is regarded as localized, it is individually configured for each who adopts a particular management decision. A set of mathematical models of all the blocks of the information processing together with the information model are the basis for constructing a software model, a special mathematical control of technological processes at the airport.


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Information and Communication Systems and Networks