Method of optimizing the search for a path in a graph by rejecting unnecessary nodes


  • С.С. Бучик
  • І. В. Пулеко
  • І. В. Половніков



search for a path, optimization, transitive closure, cluster analysis, the best path in the graph


The article proposes method optimizing the search of the optimal path in the graph by rejecting extra nodes based on cluster analysis using the transitive closure of the matrix of the relation. The existing methods of optimizing the search of the path have been analyzed, which resulted in the proposed method, which implements the idea of reducing the number of nodes in the current calculation, as a result of which there is a decrease in the number of resources. The application of the method in practice is considered, and conclusions are made regarding further research in this direction. To test performance and evaluate the effectiveness of the method the software was developed on the programming language of high-level C++. The results of the research indicate rather high efficiency of optimization for static nodes that do not change their properties for a certain period of time.


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Information and Communication Systems and Networks