Results of natural gas parameters influence on processes that occur in turbine flow meters
natural gas registration, turbine flow meters, metrological parameters, calibrationAbstract
In the article criteria of possible turbine flow meters calibrations with natural gas parameters fluctuations are determined Article presents experimentation results of natural gas parameters influence on processes that occur in turbine flow meters.
In the article criteria of possible turbine flow meters calibrations with natural gas parameters fluctuations are determined. It is known that metrological parameters of the turbine flow meter in operating systems will deter from certificated values. With pressure, temperature or other fluctuations of a flow physical parameters the flow meter's results will occur within of a error space determined by Reynolds number equation for current flow passing through turbine grille. With Reynolds numbers constant aspect ratio the relative error of a flow meter will stay irrelevant of type of the environment. It is suggested to use value as a criterion that is not affected by thermodynamic parameters and physical characteristics of a environment but of turbine grille model and mechanical state of a flow meter.
Turbine flow meter SM-RI-X-KG1000, DN200 was used for experiment with flow volume varies of 80 m3/h to 1600 m3/h and pressure varies of 100 kPa to 700 kPa. Results of theoretical calculations and experimental research data for Reynolds number ratio is shown on a graph of a turbine flow meter speed on pressure dependency.
It is determined that flow meter designed for low-pressure environment should be calibrated for actual range of operating environment pressure and temperature values. ДСТУ EN 12261:2006. «Лічильники газу турбінні. Загальні технічні умови», that allows usage of gas flow meter designed for 100mbar environment in set up with 4bar of absolute gas pressure should be corrected.
For improving of quality and precision of gas flow measurement, calibration of gas flow meters, designed for 5bar of absolute gas pressure, should be performed in an actual working environment keeping in mind range of realistic pressure and temperature fluctuations. Calibrations of gas flow meters that designed for gas pressure environment exceeding 5bar could be performed with environment that keeps defined Reynolds numbers ratio constant.
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