Using of GIS technologies and remote sensing tools for monitoring of water objects
, monitoring, remote sensing, geographic information systems, digital terrain model, vegetation index, Kakhovka reservoirAbstract
An objective assessment of the state of water bodies can be made based on timely and accurate monitoring data. Important requirements of the monitoring is the accuracy of definitions, representativeness, and sufficient repeatability. Relevant monitoring tasks are effective water management, water management, operational and objective assessment of the state of water quality. The tasks is not trivial, however, the use of modern technologies of remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) allows systematically receive and interpret data photometric parameters of individual water bodies, catchment areas in a wide spectral range with the necessary separation and periodic updating of information, to assess their sanitary - biological characteristics.
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Космический мониторинг состояния водных обьектов / Режим доступу: —