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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося до розгляду редакціям інших журналів (або у коментарях для редактора нижче дані необхідні пояснення).
  • Файл подання є документом у форматі Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF або WordPerfect.
  • Інтернет-посилання у тексті супроводжуються повними коректними адресами URL.
  • Текст набраний 11-м розміром кеглю з одинарним міжрядковим інтервалом; авторські акценти виділені курсивом, а не підкресленням (всюди, крім адрес URL); всі ілюстрації, графіки та таблиці розміщені безпосередньо у тексті, там, де вони повинні бути за змістом (а не у кінці документу).
  • Текст відповідає вимогам до стилістики та бібліографії, викладеним у Керівництві для авторів розділу "Про журнал".
  • Якщо матеріал подається у рецензований розділ журналу, при оформленні файлу подання були виконані інструкції щодо Гарантій сліпого рецензування.

Author Guidelines

The editorial board accepts articles that are published by authors for the first time. All manuscripts are reviewed and verified by the anti-plagiarism system.

The article should be completed scientific work containing scientific novelty and/or practical significance, substantiation of the proposed statements. The authors of the article are responsible for the scientific content of the article.

Recommended volume of article 8-20 pp., A4 size (Times New Roman font, 11 size, single spacing, including tables and figures).

The article is sent to:

The journal is available in two languages: English and Ukrainian.

The article should have the following structure:

  • DOI;
  • UDC;
  • authors;
  • title;
  • introduction;
  • formulation of the problem in general and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of the latest research and publications in which the author has begun to address this issue;
  • highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem addressed in this article;
    • purpose - formulating the goals of the article (formulation of the task);
    • presentation of the main research material with some substantiation for the scientific results obtained;
    • conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction;
    • abstract (in three languages ​​- Ukrainian, English, Russian);
    • information about the authors (in three languages ​​- Ukrainian, English).


Information about authors in Ukrainian, English

  • Names of authors in full
  • scientific degree, academic title, position, department without contractions, institution (city, country)
  • Scientific interests: …..
  • Number of publications:


The article is sent for double-blind review.


The manuscript is printed in A4 format,

11-point type,

a Times New Roman font,

margins: upper - 2.25 cm, lower - 2.25 cm, left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm,

line spacing - single

paragraph - 0.5 cm

with automatic hyphenation.


The word processor MS Word 2003 is used to prepare the manuscript. Documents in Word 2007, Word 2010 and documents in .docx format are not accepted. The volume of the article is from 8 to 20 full pages.

The article is typed in the following order:

2)         DOI - in the upper left corner without indentation (Arial font, semibold, 11-point type);

3)         UDC - in the upper left corner without indentation (font not bold, 11-point type);

4)         initials, authors' surnames (semibold), academic degree, rank (in the right corner, indentation from above 6 pt, 11-point type, lowercase letters);

5)         the name of the organization where the author works (11-point type, lowercase);

6) - the only international registry of scientists. (not bold, 11-point type);

7)         e-mail address of the author (11-point type, lowercase);

8)         the title of the article (centered, 6 pt indentation, 11-point type, capital letters, semibold);

9)         the text of the article in one column;

10)     literature (10,5-point type);

11)      Abstract in Ukrainian, English. Volume of Abstract is at least 1800 characters, including spaces. In the annotation, it is necessary to highlight the main sections of the article, to connect them and to present in a short form. It includes the main sections: relevance, formulation of the problem, ways to solve it, results and conclusions.

The Abstract is presented in the following form:

  • Name of authors (boldface font, 11-point type);
  • The title of the article  (capital letters, boldface font, 11-point type, left alignment);
  • Text of the abstract (boldface font, 10-point type, italics, 6-point space);
  • Keywords with semicolons (top and bottom space 6-points, Arial, 9-point type);


Indentations of headings, tables, figures from the text above 3 pt, bottom 3 pt.


The formulas referenced are numbered in Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right.

The decryption of the letters of the quantities in the formulas is subdivided with the text.

For typing notations of physical quantities use the MathType 5.0 graphical editor:

1) Variables, Latin letters – italics Times New Roman;

2) functions, numbers, Ukrainian letters – normal Тіmes New Roman;

3) matrices, vectors – semibold normal Тіmes New Roman;

4) Greek letters, symbols – normal Symbol;

5) sizes: normal 11 pt, large index 7 pt, small index 6 pt, large symbol 14 pt, small symbol 11 pt;

6) chemical formulas are typed in normal font.


All drawings must be captioned (10-point type, centered). For example: Fig. 1. Scheme…

Drawing captions are not allowed to group with drawings.

The detales of illustrations are numbered with Arabic numerals (11-point type), starting with number 1, without spaces or repetitions either clockwise or horizontally from left to right or vertically from top to bottom.

The captions in the figures are replaced by letters (11-point type), and curves are denoted by numbers (11-point type), that are explained in the captions to the drawings.


All tables must have headings.

The numbering table header (10-point type, italic) is aligned at the right edge of the table, thematic table heading (centered, 10-point type, semibold).

All figures and tables must be referenced in the text and placed after references.

The abbreviation is transcribed in the text of the article, starting from where it first occurred.

The presentation of the material should be clear, without repetition, without duplication of the tables and their headings, figures and their captions in the text.

When choosing units of physical quantities, the International System of Units (SI) should be used.

The article should use the terminology adopted by the State Standard. Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the material presented and the terminology.

The title of the article should be as short as possible (up to 8 words, 2 lines). The keyword in the title of the article should be a noun in the nominative case.

List of References

References to cited sources are given in square brackets after quotations. The first digit is the number of the source in the list of references that is attached to the article, the second is the page number, for example: [1, p. 21], [3; 6].

The literature and, if necessary, the notes are submitted at the end of the article after the words "REFERENCES" in the order of citation and are issued in accordance with the accepted bibliographic requirements, which are put forward during the design of the candidate's or doctoral dissertation. Bibliographic sources are from the paragraph; the author's name (or first word of the title) is in semibold. The list of references is arranged in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine ДСТУ 8302:2015.

It is recommended to use 7 to 30 literary sources. It is advisable to use English-language sources in periodicals over the last 5-10 years, which are included in international science databases. Self-citation may not exceed 30%.

References to DOI sources are mandatory.

The author is obliged to verify the sources used for the existence of a registered Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and to indicate it in the List of References. DOI sources may be requested from the site



References for CrossRef, SCOPUS and international science databases are placed under the heading REFERENCES and are the APA-style.

REFERENCES are presented in a completely separate block (after information about the authors), copying the list of references in Ukrainian, whether or not they contain foreign sources. If the list contains links to foreign publications, they are completely dubbed in the list. The Ukrainian language is worded as follows: All authors (transliteration), translation of the article title in English, source name (transliteration, if the source does not have an adequate English title), output data with English markings, or only numerical.

For example: Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. (2005). "Article Title," Journal Title, 10, 2, pp. 49-53.



REFERENCE Sample design, (10,5-point type):



1. Безпалько О. В. Організація соціально-педагогічної роботи з дітьми та молоддю у територіальній громаді: теоретико-методичні основи : монографія . Київ, 2006. 363 с.

2. Стишов О. А. Українська лексика кінця ХХ століття (на матеріалі мови засобів масової інформації). 2-ге вид., перероб. Київ. 2005. 388 с.

3. Бурдіна С. В. Система підготовки магістрів управління освітою у вищих навчальних закладах США: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.06. «Теорія і методика управління освітою». Луганськ. 2008, 20 с.

4. Kornack D., Rakic P., Cell Proliferation Without Neurogenesis in Adult Primate, Neocortex. Science. 2001. no. 294 (5549). 2127-2130. (eng).

5. Cell Biology: A cat cloned by nuclear transplantation. Nature AOP. 2002. nature723 (eng).


Articles that do not meet the design and submission requirements are not reviewed or published. The editorial board reserves the right to edit and reduce without altering the scientific content of the article.

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Information about authors, which present journal site's users, will be used solely for the tasks of website for correct indexing of articles in various full-text and abstract databases, connected with the subject of the magazine. This information will not be shared.