About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal highlights theoretical and scientific-practical results that determine the direction and development of research in the fields of information technology, cyber security, electronics, telecommunications and radio engineering, transport and transport technologies, ecology, chemical technology, biotechnology and bioengineering.

Journal is published for teaching staff, graduate and postgraduate students of higher educational institutions, scientific and industrial enterprises.

Peer Review Process


All articles pass 3 stages of consideration:
And the first step is to check for plagiarism using freely available programs and Unicheck systems.
ІІ stage - verification for compliance with the requirements of the magazine "Science based technologies".
ІІІ stage - double blind review.
  1. A reviewer may be a member of the editorial board or an authorized expert in the field.
  2. Reviewing is single-blind.
  3. All correspondence between reviewer and author is performed across the editorial office.
  4. A reviewer in its decision may be based on the opinions of experts involved them.
  5. The result of a reviewer is recommendation.
  6. The manuscript can be sent for review to several reviewers.
  7. If author disagree with a reviewer comments he may send a reasoned response.
  8. The decision of editorial board about article publishing is final.

Order of review

  1. New manuscript is registered when its hard copy has been received by mail (registration date).
  2. Editor-in-chief or executive editor choice a reviewer/s for the manuscript according to subject.
  3. The manuscript send for review by the designated reviewer/s. Reviewing result — recommendation of reviewer.
  4. Review for the manuscript send to the author in any way:
  5. In case of positive review the manuscript passed to the editor to make a decision about publication.
  6. In case of revision required the author receive all review comments and suggestions of reviewer.
  7. In case of decline submission the author receive a review with a reasoned refusal.
  8. The autor prepare necessary materials after receiving review:
  9. a revised version of the manuscript in case of revision required (up to 3 months);
  10. a reasoned answer if you disagree with a reviewer opinion.
  11. Revised manuscript is sent to re-reviewing.
  12. The manuscript, which received a positive review, is passed to the editorial office to prepare it for publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal is practicing a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for the common social progress.

Publication Frequency

Articles Submission Deadline:

  • First Issue - March 1;
  • Second Issue - June 1;
  • Third Issue - September 1;
  • Fourth Issue - December 1.

Journal Publication Schedules:

  • First Issue - April 31;
  • Second Issue - July 30;
  • Third Issue - October 30;
  • Fourth Issue - January 31.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Kozlovskii Valeriy, Head of the Department of Information Security of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Nesterenko Kateryna Serhiivna, Dean of the Faculty of Cybersecurity and Software Engineering of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Responsible secretary: Savchenko Alina, Head of the Department of Computer Information Technologies of the National Aviation University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Editorial board:

Section "Information Technologies, Cybersecurity"

Vinogradov Nikolay, professor of the Department of Computer Information Technologies of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

GNATYUK Serhii, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, National Aviation University;

Zhukov Igor, Head of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

ZYBIN Serhii, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Information Technology Security Department, National Aviation University;

Litvinenko Alexander, Head of the Department of Computerized Control Systems of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Mishchenko Andriy, Technical Director of the International Airport "KYIV", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Nechyporuk Olena , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Computerized Control Systems, National Aviation University;

Karpinsky Nikolay, Head of the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering Mechanics and Computer Science, Technical and Humanitarian Academy, Poland, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Lakhno Valeriy, Head of the Department of Cybersecurity and Information Systems Management at the European University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

STANKUNAS Jonas, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department, Gediminas Vilnius University of Technology, Lithuania, Vilnius

YAKOVINA Vitaly, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the software department of the Lviv Polytechnic National University

Section "Electronics, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering"

Barannik Volodymyr, Senior Researcher at the Scientific Center of the Kharkiv University of Air Forces, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Biletsky Anatoly, professor of the Department of Electronics of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor;

Kozlyuk Iryna, Professor of Telecommunication Systems Department, National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Pisarchuk Oleksiy, Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Sayko Volodymyr, Professor of the Department of Applied Information Systems of the Faculty of Information Technologies of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

TUROVSKY Oleksandr, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Protection, National Aviation University

Yanovsky Felix, Professor of the Department of Electronics of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

KRAISAT Yahya, Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University of Al-Hasan, Jordan, PhD.

Section "Transport, Transport Technologies"

Kharchenko Volodymyr, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Zaporozhets Oleksandr, Professor of the Department National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Dmitriev Sergey, Professor of the Department National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Konakhovich Georgiy, Professor of the Department of Telecommunication Systems of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Solomentsev Alexander, Professor of the Department of Aviation Radioelectronic Sets of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Ulyansky Vladimir, Professor of the Department of Electronics of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Raza Ahmed, Technical Advisor to the Private Department of the President of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, PhD.

Section "Ecology, Chemical Technology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering"

Boychenko Sergey, Leading Research Fellow of the Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Chemotherapy and Certification of Fuel and Chemicals, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Vovk Oksana, Professor of the Department of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Grinishyn Oleg, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;

Karakuch T. Hikmet, Anadillian University of Civil Aviation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Turkish Republic;

Mateychik Volodymyr, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National Transport University, Ukraine.


Journal History

The scientific journal Science-Based Technologies" was founded at the National Aviation University (NAU) in 2008.

The professional scientific and technical journal contains articles which are growing out of scientific, pilot and theoretical studies, covers a wide range of modern technologies, such as materials science and nanotechnologies, vacuum electronics, beam and laser technologies, radio electronics, computer and computing technologies, chemical and biophysical technologies, etc., as the general for which high level of fundamental nature and science intensity acts. The purpose of the journal is representation of results of research work of the NAU scientists (including, with involvement of students and graduate students), at NAN institutes of Ukraine both other Ukrainian and foreign research establishments.

The edition is calculated on scientists, technical officers, graduate students and students of older years.

Media identifier R30-01875, in accordance with the decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated November 16, 2023 No. 1420.

Frequency of the edition makes 4 times per year, articles are printed in Ukrainian and English languages.

The contents of the journal includes the following topics: air transport operations, aviation chemmotology, information and communication systems and networks, information security, systems management, transportation systems, environment and natural sciences: physics, chemistry..

The International Standard Serial Number ISSN 2075-0781 to this journal is assigned and registered by ISSN International Center in June 2009.The resolution of the Highest certifying commission of Ukraine of 23.02.2011.

No. 1-05/2 the scientific journal "Science-Based Technologies" is included in the list of the scientific editions which publications are enlisted to results of dissertation works on technical science.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 15.10.2019 No. 1301, the journal is included in category "B" of the List of scientific and professional publications of Ukraine by specialties 125, 161, 162, 171, 172, 275