



biofuel, aviation, octane number, quality indicator, Harrington function, ethanol, butanol


The paper analyzes the state of the biofuel energy industry in Ukraine, examines the ways of producing biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas, describes the physicochemical indicators and quality indicators of biofuels, including those used in aviation. It is shown that one of the priority ways to minimize the impact of aviation on the environment is the introduction of alternative fuels. Prospective types of renewable plant raw materials, which are the most appropriate for the production of aviation biofuels in Ukraine, are considered and substantiated. Thus, the use of aviation biofuels with the content of bio-additives based on vegetable oils makes it possible to achieve a number of positive effects: to reduce the use of non-renewable petroleum raw materials necessary for the production of aviation fuels; o reduce the amount of emissions of exhaust gases, to improve some operational characteristics of aviation biofuels, to reduce Ukraine's energy dependence thanks to the use of its own renewable raw materials for the production of aviation biofuels; to promote the development of agriculture, branches of chemical technology, aviation fuel supply and oil refining; contribute to raising the status of our state at the international level by supporting the policy of international organizations in aviation regarding the greening of aviation through the introduction of alternative aviation fuels

Author Biographies

 Volodymyr Povhorodnii, National Aviation University

PhD in technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics Material Enginnering of the National Aviation University "NAU", Lyubomyr Huzar Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksandr Babnyak, National Aviation University

student of the PM-101 group, National Aviation University, 1 Lyubomyr Huzar Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058



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