


combined methods of engineering, texture, wear, laser processing, nitriding


The issues of ensuring the durability and reliability of equipment, increasing wear resistance and expanding the range of operation of friction pairs in extreme operating conditions require solutions related to innovative technologies for the formation of wear-resistant surfaces that can significantly increase the efficiency of using hardening methods, creating new ones and improving existing ones.

A brief review of the combined methods of engineering contact surfaces of tribological systems is carried out. The perspective of using this direction to expand the range of use of discrete protective structures, namely in the conditions of fretting, fretting fatigue, and limit friction, is shown.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr  Kharchenko, National Aviation University

head of laboratory of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University, 1 Lubomyra Huzar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

Ihor  Humenyuk, National Aviation University

 PhD student, National Aviation University

Anatoliy Кornienko, National Aviation University

PhD, senior researcher, associate professor of Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University

Maksym Ivanytskyi, National Aviation University

student, Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University.


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Проблеми тертя та зношування