



effectiveness of oil action, carbonofluoride additives, oils, non-stationary mode of friction, temporary deterioration of lubricating action (TPMD), thickness of the lubricating layer, integrated indicator


The results of the study of the effect of carbonofluoride additives on the lubricating effect of aviation oils VNIINP-50-1-4u, IPM-10 are presented; MS-8p, industrial oils I-20A, IGP-18 and automotive oil  M-10G2K in non-stationary friction modes. The introduction of KF additives into lubricating media significantly reduces, and in some cases completely eliminates, the temporary deterioration of the lubricating effect in non-stationary modes due to the high adsorption properties and chemical activity of carbonofluorides.

Author Biographies

 Volodymyr Melnyk, National Aviation University

 candidate. technical of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, nau12@ukr.net. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4379-654X.

Darya Leusenko, National Aviation University

 graduate student at the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University, Kyiv, nau12@ukr.net. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8024-6104.

 Bohdan Mamai, National Aviation University

 graduate of higher education with a master's degree in the specialty 152 "Metrology and information and measurement technology", educational and professional program "Quality, standardization and certification" National Aviation University, 1 Lubomyra Huzar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058, Email: b909mamay@gmail.com.


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