wear, eutectic alloys, electric spark alloying, oxide layer, annealing, nonequilibrium phaseAbstract
The article considers the efficiency of applying electric spark coatings with the aim of studying the effective influence on the tribological properties of eutectic alloys. Friction and wear tests of electrospark coatings made of the developed eutectic alloy on a steel substrate were performed. In order to compare the effectiveness of the influence on the tribotechnical properties of eutectic alloys, both the coatings in the initial state and the coatings annealed under two different modes were tested.
Based on the results of the study of the chemical composition of the films formed in the process of friction, regularities were established by qualitative assessment. The dependences of tribotechnical properties for the initial and heat-treated coatings were determined. These studies indicate the feasibility of using electrospark coatings for different friction conditions.
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