wear, repair and restoration composition, graphite, molybdenum disulfide, coefficient of frictionAbstract
The analysis of antifriction and antiwear additives to lubricants has been carried out and the mechanisms of formation of protective films on tribocombination elements have been considered. An increase in the antifriction and antiwear characteristics of lubricants due to their additional modification with graphite, molybdenum disulfide, fullerenes, nanotubes or a repair composition has been established. The mechanism for increasing the efficiency of lubricants with friction modifiers is to create a protective surface layer in the process of tribosystem self-organization during friction. It has been established that by empirical analysis it is possible to choose the optimal concentration of the repair and restoration compound RVS, the addition of which to the gear oil provides an increase wear resistance of steel under rolling conditions with slippage. Reducing the wear of contact surfaces is facilitated by mechanical chemical processes that manifest themselves during structural adaptability of finely dispersed components of the geomodifier friction RVS, boundary lubricating films and metal surface layers at friction under dynamic loading conditions. For the main indicators providing an increase in the wear resistance of friction pairs are microhardness of metal surface layers and its gradient depth distribution, microgeometry of the surface layer, formed during friction, and the formation of boundary lubricating layers on friction-activated contact surfaces. These processes are a manifestation of structural adaptability structural materials under study, the consequence of which is qualitative and quantitative change in the microgeometry of surfaces friction. Fullerenes and nanotubes are elementary objects of nanotechnologies, on the basis of any possible macro-objects, which may be of practical importance, - materials and outbuildings. The potential of using these structures (especially nanotubes) exceeds potential of other nanostructures.
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