


friction, wear, roughness, surface layer, stamp, wave formation, planar section, deplaning of planar sections, adhesion, elastic contact, plastic contact, shock pulse, elastic wave, contact force, normal pressure, critical force, compressive shear, bridges welding, heat conduction equations, boundary conditions, initial conditions.


Despite a significant number of theories of friction and wear, the issue of wave formation on contacting surfaces and in the zone ahead of the moving part has not yet received a sufficiently deep justification. Based on accumulated theoretical and experimental data, it is generally accepted to consider the groups of theories: 1) geometric, 2) molecular (adhesive), 3) deformation, 4) combined [1]. The most widespread opinion is that friction is caused by plastic extrusion of the material and the destruction of welding bridges (F. R. Bowden and D. Tabor), which is also confirmed by the hypothesis of Ernst and Margent, where friction is caused by adhesion (at the molecular level and surface roughness). At the same time, the experimental results of F. R. Bowden and D. Tabor indicate that the effect of friction depends on both the adhesion forces and the deformation of the material in the thin surface layer. As a result of the application of significant compressive forces and tangential frictional forces, a large amount of energy is released at the contact of two bodies, and with weak heat exchange with the environment, high gradients of temperature changes occur, and in the case of metal parts, under certain conditions, the welding effect of both individual micro-uniformities and contact surfaces in general, which is confirmed by research results [2].

Author Biographies

 Yuriy Malinovskiy, eparate structural unit «Krivyi Rih professional college of National Aviation University»

 candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Separate structural unit «Krivyi Rih professional college of National Aviation University»

Sergij Tsvirkun, «Krivyi Rih professional college of National Aviation University»

candidate of technical sciences, senior teacher, chairman of the cycle commission, Separate structural unit «Krivyi Rih professional college of National Aviation University»

 Dmitro   Vlasenkov, «Krivyi Rih professional college of National Aviation University»

senior teacher, head's assistant, Separate structural unit «Krivyi Rih professional college of National Aviation University», Krivyi Rih

 Svitlana Oliinyk, Криворізький національний університет

senior lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Krivyi Rih National University, Krivyi Rih, Vitaly Matusevicha 11, Ukraine, 50027


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