


tribometric machine, polymers, wear, frictional torque, sliding velocity


Analysis of methods and installations for assessment of wear and research of tribometric parameters of various materials was carried out. The purpose of the work is to create a tribometric machine and a method of testing the anti-friction and anti-wear properties of polymers and composite materials. That includestemperature registration in frictional contact and in the near-surface layers of triboelements. The main structural diagram of the installation of the tribometric machine, developed at the National Aviation University, is presented. The main characteristics of the installation, the method of testing samples and the parameters of work related to the relevant research of polymer materials and composites based on them are provided. The standardized method specified in ISO 7148-2:2012 is used when testing materials. The proposed elliptical contact form of the triboelements ensures the constancy of the contact load during the experiment. The installation is equipped with a sensor system that allows you to control the speed of rotation and the moment of friction. The rotation speed is measured using a Hall sensor. The system of thermoresistive sensors provides monitoring of environmental conditions and temperature of testing objects. The developed installation can be used for express testing of materials for tribotechnical purposes, which provides an opportunity to develop more effective tribological solutions regarding the structural adjustment of tribo-coupling elements.

Author Biographies

 Roman Marchuk, National Aviation University

 graduate student of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University

 Rudolf Mnatsakanov, National Aviation University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of  Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Department, National Aviation University


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