


composite coatings, parts of agricultural machinery, matrix, filler, wear resistance


An analysis of the compatibility of the matrix and fillers as components for wear-resistant composite materials was carried out. The study demonstrated that using of composite ceramic-metallic materials increase wear resistance of working parts of agricultural machinery. The study analyzed the effectiveness of the use of composite materials with dispersed particles of refractory phases, ferroalloys, self-fluxing alloys based on nickel and iron for strengthening parts of agricultural machinery that operates in conditions dominated by abrasive and corrosive-mechanical wear. The study determined that the suitable materials for applying wear-resistant composite coatings to parts that work under conditions of abrasive wear combined with strong impacts are СM, where fillers are dispersed particles of refractory phases - oxides and carbides, and СM containing increased nickel content. The study also analyzed the expediency of using component materials for the creation of composite coatings, such as matrix - PG-С1, PG1, and reinforcing components - carbon ferrochrome FX-800, chromium carbide. The study considered the structure of powder composite materials, the structure of clad and conglomerate particles, and the structure of heterodisperse and homodisperse conglomerate particles. Furthermore, the study considered the effectiveness of the use of self-fluxing alloys as a multicomponent heterogeneous system based on Ni, Co, Fe, containing a soft matrix and solid dispersed inclusions of carbide, boride, and silicide. The study determined that use of self-fluxing iron-based alloys increases a wear resistance, hardness and other properties of working parts of agricultural machines. The study defined the role of the dispersed particles and matrix in wear-resistant composite coatings. The compatibility criteria for the selection of components of composite materials are given. The main compatibility criteria include a coefficient of thermal expansion close to the base material; no adverse effect on the properties of the base; diffusive inertness to the base; sufficient adhesion; a set of necessary operational characteristics; economic feasibility.

Author Biographies

 Vitaliy Shamrai, National Aviation University

 graduate student of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University, 1 Lubomyra Huzar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

Oksana Mikosianchyk, National Aviation University

 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University

 Larysa Lopata, G. S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

 Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, senior researcher of the laboratory of surface strengthening of structural elements, G. S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2, Salovo-botanical Street, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01014

 Grygoriy Golembiyevskyy, National Aviation University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering,, National Aviation University, 1 Lubomyra Huzar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

 Yehor Horb, National Aviation University

 Graduate of Higher Education with a Master`s Degree in Specialty 272 "Aviation transport", Educational and Professional Program «Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines», National Aviation University, 1 Lubomyra Huzar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058


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