details of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines, composite coatings, performance properties, wear resistance, electrospark alloying, composite materialsAbstract
The work is devoted to the solution of the scientific and technical problem of ensuring the reliability of the details of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines by using composite coatings. It is substantiated that among the methods of applying composite coatings, the method of electrospark alloying is the most common, the cheapest and the simplest.
Based on the results of the conducted research, the effectiveness of applying composite coatings to increase the wear resistance of parts of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines is shown. The main principles of improving the operational properties of parts of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines are proposed, reflecting the functional, material, technical and technological aspects of their strengthening by applying composite coatings. The implementation of the proposed principles is based on the analysis of the structural features of the details of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines and the composition of the composite material and the method of applying the coating, which will allow solving the task..
To solve the problem of increasing wear resistance, operational properties and increasing the service life of parts of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines, a structural scheme of research is presented, which includes: substantiating the relevance of the research problem, defining the goal, setting tasks and ways to solve them; analysis of existing methods of forming composite coatings and selection of the composition of the composite material. A calculation scheme for the relationship between the parameters of composite coating application and its physical and mechanical properties is proposed.
Based on the results of the research on the wear resistance of parts of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines with composite coatings, the feasibility of using the electrospark alloying method for applying composite coatings is substantiated. Increasing the wear resistance and operational properties of parts of agricultural machinery and working bodies of agricultural machines by applying composite coatings has made it possible to solve the problem of ensuring their service life, which is not inferior to the service life of new parts.
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