



composite material, production technology, failure load, tensile strength


An assessment of the methods aimed at ensuring high quality and predicting the properties of products made of composite materials at the production stage was carried out. Ways of improving the quality assessment process of products made of composite materials at the stage of choosing the optimal technology for their production are considered. An algorithm for the implementation of the quality system for the improvement of technological operations at the stages of production of composite materials is proposed. The key parameters of the technological process of manufacturing products from composite materials were analyzed using the scheme of cause-and-effect relationships and the Ishikawa diagram was constructed to determine the causes of the emergence of manufacturing defects of composites. The necessity of applying experimental methods of researching the strength characteristics of products made of composite materials has been proven, because the experimental results of the mechanical characteristics of the composite material can differ significantly from the indicators during modeling. The influence of the angle of laying the layers of unidirectional carbon fabric on the strength of the cross-reinforced composite material was evaluated. According to the obtained experimental values of the failure load, it was established that the cross-reinforced composite material is characterized by the highest strength at a laying angle of 00 in the direction of the applied load; an increase in the laying angle of reinforcing carbon fibers to 900 leads to a decrease in the failure load by 95 times.

Author Biographies

 Oksana Mikosianchyk, National Aviation University

 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University, 1 Lubomyra Huzar Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

 Valentyn Lytvynenko, National Aviation University

 Graduate of Higher Education with a Master`s Degree in Specialty 152 "Metrology and information-measuring technology", educational and professional program "Quality, standardization and certification"

 Oleksandr Zhosan, National Aviation University

Graduate of Higher Education with a Master`s Degree in Specialty 134 «Aviation and Rocket-space Engineering», Educational and Professional Program «Aircraft Equipment», National Aviation University

 Yevhen Pedan, National Aviation University

 Graduate of Higher Education with a Master`s Degree in Specialty 152 «Metrology and Information-measuring Technology», Educational and Professional Program «Quality, Standardization and Certification», National Aviation University


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