gerotor pump, wear, epicycloidal gearing, capacity, contact stressAbstract
The calculation of tribotechnical parameters of the gear wheel of the gerotor pump was conducted. The durability of this tribocoupling was determined depending on the characteristics of the lubricant, the material of the inner gear (rotor) and the equivalent number of cycles before gear’s failure. The modeling of the gerotor pump capacity estimation was carried out taking into account the tribotechnical characteristics of Agrinol SAE 5W-30, SAE 5W-40 and Agrinol Professional SAE 15W-40 motor oils. Experimentally it was determined that the antifriction and anti-wear properties of Agrinol SAE 5W-30, SAE 5W-40 and SAE 15W-40 motor oils with kinematic viscosity at 100 ⁰C from 10 to 16 mm²/s in rolling conditions with 20% slip at contact load from 200 to 400 MPa dis not depend on the type of lubricant. The increase in kinematic viscosity causes only an increase in the lubricating characteristics of the contact - the thickness of the lubricating layer increases by 18%. According to the results of modeling of the tribotechnical characteristics of epicycloidal gearing, an increase in the linear wear of the surface layers of the teeth of friction pairs during the start of the gerotor pump due to the dominance of semi-dry or marginal lubrication regime was identified. When increasing the speed of the rotor shaft to 1300 rpm, wear of the contact surfaces decreased by 2.5; 4 and 7 times for gears with 4, 6 and 8 teeth, respectively. It was determined that the decrease in the wear of the working surfaces of the gear teeth with the increase in the number of teeth of the inner gear was due to the decrease of the maximum contact loads along the line of epicycloidal gearing. The range of change of maximum contact load in gearing depending on the rotor speed is 460…390 MPa, while the range of gear life change is 5180…5450 hours for a pump with 8-toothed inner rotor gear. When increasing the number of teeth of the inner gear of the rotor from 4 to 8, the equivalent number of cycles before the destruction of the teeth increases due to the reduction of maximum contact loads along the epicycloidal gear, the dominance of the elastic deformation, increase in the margin of strength at 1.8 - 2 under condition of deformations at the greatest overload.
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