jet pump, hydroabrasive erosion, numerical modeling, parametric modeling, three-dimensional grid model, variable grid geometry, , turbulence modelsAbstract
The reliability of downhole ejection systems significantly depends on the accuracy of forecasting and the effectiveness of preventing the occurrence of hydroabrasive erosion in the flow part of the jet pump. The latest method of forming the working grid of its flowing part by initializing mosaic technology was used to model the process of wear of the jet pump, which allowed to reduce the time spent on calculation and increase the accuracy of modeling processes related to erosion simulation in the downhole jet pump. The nature of the change of the geometric model of the flow part of the jet pump under the action of hydroabrasive erosion is established. The deformed geometry of the segments of the working nozzle and the mixing chamber, which was formed as a result of prolonged exposure to abrasive particles transported by the working and injected flow, is analyzed. The model of the trajectory of the abrasive solid particles in the volume of the jet pump fluid is presented, which allowed to determine the rate of formation of concentrators of erosion influence in its flowing part.
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