Logistics of water transport, container transportation, vessel characteristics, cargo characteristics, economic efficiencyAbstract
The paper considers the urgent tasks of increasing the volume of traffic, increasing the economic efficiency of domestic freight transport by water transport and freight forwarders for feeder shipping companies. According to foreign experience, a "qualitative leap" in the transport environment can be achieved only through the use of new technologies to ensure transportation processes that meet modern requirements and high international standards, in particular, by expanding logistics thinking and logistics principles.
The review of recent works allowed to conduct a logistical analysis of methods of cargo transportation in the waters of the lower Dnieper, and the selection of the optimal type of vessel for its implementation for feeder shipping companies.
The current state of water transport has shown that the planning of maritime transport must take into account the capabilities of the port and control over its activities to assess any possible restrictions that may impede the movement of goods, in addition to take into account the specific regions of transport and technical characteristics of vehicles.
The questions arising in practical activity of the transport organizations which are engaged in transportation of cargo in river and sea conditions with use of domestic vessels in universal containers are considered.
The optimal version of the transport and technological scheme of cargo delivery can be calculated by the maximum flight result. It is determined by the difference between the revenue received from the cargo voyage and the operating costs of the shipowner, including current costs of the voyage, payment of port dues and services, as well as fuel costs for a particular shipment, except for fixed costs of the shipowner. .
In essence, logistics in water transport as a new methodology for optimization and organization of rational cargo flows and their processing in specialized logistics centers allows to increase the efficiency of transportation of goods, reduce unproductive costs, and carriers to meet the demands of the transport services market.
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