epoxy matrix, composite 3,3-dichloro-4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane, 4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane, filler polystyrene , method of experiments’ mathematical planning, regression equationAbstract
The effect of modifiers 3,3-dichloro-4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane, 4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane and filler polystyrene "Oasis" on the ultimate tensile stress during bending and heat resistance (by Marthens) of the developed polymer composite materials was analyzed. For the required properties’ prediction and modifier’s and fillers’ content’ optimizing in polymer composite materials, statistical processing was performed with usage of the application package STATGRAPHICS® Centurion XVI (Multiple Response Optimization module). The regression equation was obtained by the method of experiment’s mathematical planning. As result, the dependence of the initial parameters on the selected variables was established. The ingredients’ content for the formation of materials with improved ultimate tensile stress during bending and heat resistance (by Marthens) were established. The description of the researched materials’ behavior was performed by usage of the developed mathematical model. In addition, the theoretical analysis of the functional dependence’s calculation’s result was performed. The reproducibility of the experiments was checked by the Cochran's criteria test. Before verifying the adequacy of the model, insignificant coefficients were discarded by Student's criteria. The adequacy of the obtained model was checked by Fisher's test. The optimal content of modifiers and filler for the formation of materials with improved physical mechanical and thermal physical properties was established. The optimal content of two-component filler for composite material with high destructive bending stresses was determined - 3,3-dichloro-4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane modifier – 0,25 wt.%, polystyrene "Oasis" – 0,06 wt.%, which allows to increase ultimalte tensile stresses during bending to 110,6 MPa. For the formation of a composite material with improved thermophysical properties, it is advisable to use ingredients in the ratio 4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane modifier – 1,00 wt.%, polystyrene "Oasis" – 0,06 wt.%, which provides the formation of a material with improved heat resistance - T = 354 K. Basing on the improved thermal physical and physical-mechanical properties of protective coatings with optimized ingredients’ content, the reliability of vehicle parts was increased.
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