Formalization of the testing process of experimental samples of flight-technical uniforms




flight-technical uniform, information model of tests


The work considers an approach to formalizing the testing process for building the structure of an information model for testing prototypes of flight technical uniforms (LTO), designed to protect the flight and technical composition of aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the influence of adverse environmental factors and the creation of protective equipment and other support systems vital activities, the necessary conditions for the personnel to perform their functional duties.

The authors discuss the importance of conducting tests to ensure the safety of flight personnel and increase the effectiveness of the tasks of aviation units, the stages of the test process are given, starting from planning to the analysis of results. The article also draws attention to the importance of standardization of the test process and the use of documentation, which is determined by the requirements of DSTU EN ISO/ IEC. Therefore, the article focuses on the development of a new formalized methodology for evaluating flight technical uniform quality indicators, which ensures test efficiency and a more accurate and objective evaluation of test samples.


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