Enterprise service bus for efficient functioning of the information security event management system





SIEM, incident management, ESB, cyber threat, cloud-based architecture, SOA


The number of cyber threats in ICT is increasing and the development of new security oriented instrumental tools is very important and relevant scientific task. SIEM systems are category of such tools, directed on log analysis and incident management to prevent negative consequences minimize damage of cyber threats for end user. In the previous works authors have analyzed existed SIEM systems and DB types for them as well as created new architecture of cloud-based SIEM. Next step of this research project is ESB justification. The paper defines the place of ESB distributed data bus in the concept of SOA architecture, identifies the functions and benefits. Also authors analyzed most popular up-to-date ESB solutions and provides recommendations in context of developed SIEM implementation in the critical infrastructure. The developed ESB component for the effective functioning of SIEM systems at CI facilities will provide a number of advantages, such as a wide range of connectors and solution scalability, flexible data routing, guaranteed delivery of information messages, organization of a secure transmission channel, centralized management, the ability to monitor and diagnose transmission status, as well as the possibility of integration with third-party message queues. Besides, the data sheet for SIEM in critical infrastructure was formed and proposed in this paper.


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