Comparative analysis of service quality of wireless networks with inter-level interaction




wireless network, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, SINR, QoS, Markov chain


The demand for on the go, anywhere, anytime access to services has led to current efforts to integrate heterogeneous wireless networks. In particular, the methods of ensuring the compatibility of IEEE 802.11x (WLAN) and IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) wireless local area networks with cellular networks of the 4G and 5G generations as additional systems in providing bandwidth and coverage have attracted a lot of attention. Next-generation wireless networks are by definition heterogeneous networks that integrate different radio access technologies (RATs) with maintenance of a given quality of service (QoS) provided that the signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) at the receiver is greater than a certain threshold. In this approach, the network with the best QoS according to the set of requirements is selected. When these requirements are not met, an intersystem transition between networks is performed. This article analyses the methods of ensuring local and end-to-end (End-to-End, e2e) quality of service in heterogeneous wireless networks and defines the information criterion of the QoS triplet "throughput - delay - number of bit errors". The study takes into account the traffic class of each call and considers intra-network and inter-network interference. The approach to analysis is based on modelling the system as a multidimensional Markov chain. This analysis simplifies the estimation of throughput under SINR constraints in various wireless networks. Based on this analysis, real-time and transformed-time call service performance evaluation results are obtained in each RAT and under different network sizes.


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