Calculation of characteristics of the model of queueing system with feedback


  • М. И. Фаттахова Национальная Академия Авиации
  • Х. Н. Кулиева Национальная Академия Авиации



системы передачи и обработки информации, мульти-агентные системы


In the paper, the method to calculate the characteristics of the multichannel queueing system with pure losses and feedback is proposed. Here feedback is occurring as a result of returning a part of serviced calls to get a new service. Two schemes for returning of primary calls are considered. In first scheme it is assumed that probabilities of returning are depends on number of primary calls in channels while in second scheme they are depends on number of repeated calls in channels. Results of numerical experiments are given

Author Biography

М. И. Фаттахова, Национальная Академия Авиации

д.т.н.; доц.


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