Electronic voting protocols based on blind signature cryptographic scheme and biometric authentication





E-voting, cryptographic protocols, blind signature, biometric authentication


The paper analyzes the requirements for the electronic voting procedure and identifies some problems that arise during the implementation of election schemes. Despite the large number of existing electronic voting schemes that use various cryptographic methods, there are still shortcomings and vulnerabilities that require special attention. One such problem is the prevention of vote selling. One of the most advanced voting methods, namely the He-Su protocol, was chosen as the basis, as it meets almost all the requirements for the electronic election process. The paper proposes to use cryptographic methods in combination with biometric authentication to partially solve the problem of vote selling. The proposed election algorithm is based on the He-Su protocol, which uses the homomorphism of the RSA cryptographic system and the blind signature procedure. Introducing the biometric authentication procedure into the algorithm reduces, in our opinion, the probability of votes being sold by unscrupulous voters, as it becomes difficult to do this without physical presence. Fingerprint biometrics with the use of a mobile application, and a biometric login authorized by the election organizer, appear to be the most convenient.


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