Modeling and algorithmization of the pricing process in electronic commerce using software agents




software agent, agent-oriented programming, software, software modeling, user interface, software development


The article is devoted to the improvement of the object-oriented programming method for the development of software used in electronic commerce, using an agent-oriented approach.

Experimental studies were conducted to compare traditional and improved methods for developing software used in e-commerce. In the course of research due to the application of an agent-oriented approach and a platform for the development of software agents, the following were found: an increase in the speed of software implementation of the user interface and asynchronous communication between autonomous system components; reducing the number of system processes used; reduction of connectivity between system components; increasing the efficiency of the software implementation of the developed data processing algorithm in terms of calculation accuracy; expanding the set of properties and potential capabilities of the software tool.


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Методичні вказівки до лекційних зайнять з дисципліни «Чисельні методи в фізиці» для студентів спеціальності 153 «Мікро– та наносистемна техніка» / Уклад.: К. О. Мінакова та ін. Харків : НТУ «ХПІ», 2019. 73 с. URL:





